Randy Sottile
CA Lemon Law Auto Expert

Hello, my name is Randy Sottile, I’m a Lemon Law Auto Expert located here in California. I became a consumer advocate against the auto manufactures in 1995. I won a landmark case against one of the largest auto manufactures in the world. It was right then, that others asked me to help them, get their justice. So that’s how it started, and now 13 years and 11, 000 cases later I am out there helping others just like you. Getting them a better car, whether it’s a Ford, a Honda or a Mercedes Benz.

You don't have to pay for help. If you have a new or used car with a factory warranty, and you’ve had repeated problems, all you have to do is fill out the form on my website or call me.

Additionally, I want to review your warranty repair order, invoices for the problem you have been experiencing with your car that caused you to take it back to the dealer. So I can assist you on what you need to build a case. This is a painless solution, and I do the work. No cost - no hassles. Call or write me today....So I can help YOU! Come to my website, www.lemonlawautoexpert.com, and fill out my form...

Randy Sottile
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